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The Functional Medicine Matrix Center

A Journey of Spiritual, Mental, and Emotional Well-being


Functional medicine has revolutionized healthcare by focusing on a holistic approach to well-being. One of the standout tools in this field is the Functional Medicine Matrix, developed by the Institute of Functional Medicine. While I'll delve deeper into this transformative tool in a future blog post, today's focus is on its core components: spiritual, mental, and emotional outlook.

My Framework: A Window into My Worldview

Before we explore the Functional Medicine Matrix, let me share the framework that guides my work and brings purpose and hope to my life, particularly in functional medicine. This is my spiritual paradigm.

Embracing Ancient Wisdom

I believe in and draw inspiration from ancient Judeo-Christian writings, encompassing the Jewish scriptures and the New Testament. This belief system is rooted in the concept of intelligent design by an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving God. He also reveals Himself as a relational God. He desires to know each of us and for us to know Him.

The Perfect Beginning and the Drastic Turn

In the beginning, God created a perfect, beautiful, and good world. However, life took a drastic turn for the worse; the fall was accomplished through deceit, distrust, and disobedience. Humanity believed the lie. In short, this is referred to as sin. Sin’s root was an evil being who rebelled against God. Decay, disruption, brokenness, and death followed. Consequently, every soul has a hunger for identity, who they are in relationship to their creator, and conversely fulfilling relationship with family and friends; a quest to live in health as long as possible; the search for paradise; a longing for true justice and righteousness.

Designed for Healing and Recovery

Our bodies were intricately designed to heal and recover, restoring internal and external balance. The best remedies involve returning to the simplicity of real food, appropriate rest and sleep, an active lifestyle with proper movement and exercise, stress mitigation, and authentic, healthy relationships.

Purpose and Hope: Driving Forces in My Life

Embracing Hope for the Future

The hope that empowers me daily is the belief that the Divine Creator is not yet finished. He is walking out His plan to redeem His creation. His perfect design will one day be fully restored, surpassing its original splendor. Evil will meet its judgment; death and decay will not have the final say. That day is coming, and it fills me with hope and anticipation.

Supporting Genuine Health and Healing

The opportunity to support those who seek genuine health and healing brings purpose to my life. I am passionate about helping individuals change their behavior patterns and mindset to achieve lasting well-being.

Trust and Faith: The Three Pillars

Trust is central to my worldview, and I see it as comprising three essential elements:

  1. Believing In: Trusting in the existence and goodness of God.
  2. Relying Upon: Depending on God's wisdom and guidance in all aspects of life.
  3. Confidently Committing: Surrendering everything to God with confidence and hope.


The Functional Medicine Matrix is a guiding tool as we navigate the intricate web of our spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being. Stay tuned for future insights into this powerful tool and its role in promoting holistic health. In the meantime, reflect on your spiritual, mental, and emotional outlook and consider the transformative power of trust, purpose, and hope in your journey toward optimal well-being.

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